Viper Guide
Viper is a mod manager/installer for Northstar, a community made mod for Titanfall 2, that automatically updates mods and Northstar versions.
Similar to FlightCore, Viper works on both Windows and Linux and has similar use cases, mostly differing in downloading Viper.
Windows Installation
Install Viper from the Northstar website or the Windows download button on Viper's main GitHub page.
After this, run the file you downloaded to install Viper, then, if it doesn't automatically, open Viper.
Linux Installation
To install Viper on Linux, you can either install the flatpak, or the AppImage
. The flatpak version can be installed simply by using the command flatpak install viper
in your terminal, which you can then open with your system, or by using the command flatpak run com.github._0negal.Viper
. Viper's Flathub page can be found here.
To use the AppImage
version, you want to download the newest AppImage file, store it in a place that you want to, then you can allow it to be executed in one of two ways. Note that Viper will NOT automatically update when using the AppImage version.
The first way is changing the executable flag in a terminal. This can be accomplished by using cd
to get to the directory you've stored Viper in, then typing in chmod +x <AppImage>
, with you wanting to replace with the full name of the AppImage file you've downloaded.
The second way is to right click on it, click on properties and tick Executable as Program
on the AppImage file as shown below to allow it to be run on your computer. Double clicking the file after doing either one of these will launch Viper.
Viper's Menus
Viper has 3 main menus, each with their own function. "Northstar Menu" refers to the Northstar menu on Viper, not a specific menu visible on all ways to install/launch Northstar.
Northstar Menu
Viper's Northstar menu is the screen that Viper opens up to by default, with a large Launch
button, as well as a version number for Northstar, and how many players and servers are online. It also automatically checks for a Northstar update on this screen. This screen also has sub screens, as listed below
This menu (when opened) shows you a list of your currently enabled mods, with version numbers, author names, and toggles to disable or remove them individually.
Remove All
would do just that, removing all of your mods.Toggle All
would also do just that, toggling all of your mods.Install Mod
is a button you can press and locate a mod folder installed to your computer, and Viper will install it for you.
The Find Mods
button on Viper's mod screen allows you to search through Northstar's Thunderstore page inside of Viper with the ability to quickly download a mod, as well as seeing the Mod's author and version number.
The Release Notes
tab shows you the release notes for Northstar versions, which you can find here
Viper Menu
This menu of Viper (the top one on the left sidebar) shows you the version of Viper you have installed, and an option to set your game path. Viper should do this automatically, but some users may need to manually set this. Default directories can be found here, or if you own the game on EA and have followed the EA App directory issue section, another common location is C:\Games\Titanfall2
This page shows the release notes for Viper versions, which you can find here
The Extras
tab of Viper displays some additional information, like credit for backgrounds used in Viper.
Vanilla Menu
This menu allows you to Launch vanilla Titanfall 2 (no mods) easily, by simply hitting Launch
on this screen
Viper's Invalid Config issue
This error should be mostly resolved as of Viper version 1.7.2
, however if clicking OK
doesn't seem to fix the error, you can manually delete the config file and allow Viper to recreate a functional one. You can do this on Windows by pressing Windows + R
, typing in %appdata%
, hitting Enter
, then finding and deleting viper.json
(if you can't see the .json
, it's because Windows hides file extensions by default. You can turn them on by hitting View
in task manager, then ticking the box that says File name extensions
On Linux, viper.json
can be found in either the $XDG_CONFIG_HOME
folder, if the XDG variable is set, or the $HOME/.config
folder, if it is not set.
Last updated